Gestalten Sie Ihre digitale Erfolgsgeschichte mit Talenko Agency

Als kreative und leidenschaftliche Web-Design Agentur ist es unser Ziel, Ihre digitale Erfolgsgeschichte zu gestalten. Wir glauben daran, dass jede Marke einzigartig ist und einen individuellen Auftritt verdient hat, der sich von der Masse abhebt

Jetzt entdecken

Ihre Web-Design Agentur für die digitale Zukunft.

Unsere Vision ist es, unsere Kunden mit kreativen und individuellen Lösungen zu begeistern. Dabei setzen wir auf innovative Technologien und eine klare Design-Philosophie, um das Beste aus jedem Projekt herauszuholen.

What makes us different from other agencies?

Our secret

We go the extra mile.

We think of our projects as relationships - not as supplier agreements. In addition to What we produce, we also train our customers in digital best practices along the way.

We focus on results.

We care about the impact of our work on Your business or organization - not about how it looks in our portfolio or at an awards ceremony.

We react.

We limit the number of clients we have each year record to ensure that each one has excellent customer experience. Expect answers within hours - not days.

We are specialised.

We are not generalists, we only offer what we can best.

featured work

Btp Holding

Visit site

Allmend Automobile AG

Visit site


Glowing Group

Visit site

Allresto Beirut

Visit site

featured work

Allresto Beirut

Visit site

Glowing Group

Visit site

Btp Holding

Visit site

Allmend Automobile AG

Visit site


Through our passion and experience, we leave nothing to that Coincidence, we are your reliable partner in the field of web design.


Web design & Development

A website is the first impression and the idea for a potential customer...


E-Commerce hat den Cyberspace im Sturm erobert. Die Idee, bequem von zu Hause…


With our Social Media & SEO Management Service let's make sure...

Talenko Agency

Rruga B, Nr. 5

10000 Prishtinë

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